History of FDI Reforms in India
FDI reforms In 1990’s From independence in 1947 till 1990’s, FDI policies did not had any consistent direction. NEP in 1990’s aimed at creating a conducive environment for foreign investors. Economic reforms undertaken since 1991 have influenced both India’s industrial policy and its external relations. These reforms of 1991 were big twist in policy approach which was changed to attract FDI to modernize India’s industrial […]
Arbitration and Conciliation Bill, 2021
Arbitration and it changing landscape in India has seen emerge through different complexities of changing times. The struggle Indian Economy faced with regards to alternate dispute resolution found its much needs rescue in the practice of Arbitration and to tap the process further Lok Sabha has passed the Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Bill, 2021 to check misuse by “fly by night operators” who take advantage […]
Should India Consider Becoming a Member of ICSID?
Introduction ICSID (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes) is an international arbitration institution established in 1966 for legal dispute resolution and conciliation between international investors and States. It is funded by the World Bank Group and in total consists of 163 member states which have signed the centre’s convention but that does not include India & many other developing countries. India’s Position regarding ICSID Membership Many prominent and […]